1. 孔帕尼的强势开局
2. 连续5场客战进球3+
3. 客场22球创下纪录
Bayern 在这段时间内共计打入22球,这也刷新了德甲的新纪录。
4. 年度总进球47粒
5. 七连胜零封对手
Bayern 从10月份到11月份取得七连胜,并且每一场比赛都实现零封,这是一个出色的防守表现。
< p >< strong > 6 . 对海登海姆传控盛宴 strong > p > < p > 在12月初与海登海姆进行的一役中, 拜仁完成988脚传球, 此为2004 -05赛季统计以来第二多,仅逊色于2014年与柏林赫塔之战 。< / p > < p >< strong > 7 . 不莱梅无射正可言 strong > p > < P > 九月底以5 -0 击溃不莱梅时 , 拜仁让对方全程未能射门 , 是自200405年以来第三支做到此点 的队伍 。< / P > < P >< STRONG > 8 . 球迷安稳心态 STRONG > P >This season, Bayern has limited opponents to an average of only 5.1 shots per game in the Bundesliga since the start of the data collection in 2004.
The performance is unmatched by any other team during this period.
9.年度最后一战的不败神话:Augsburg vs Bayer Munich (19842023). Since December This year marks a record-breaking streak for Bayern; they have remained unbeaten for their last match every year since December against Monchengladbach on December. In total, they've won all twelve such matches played recently!.. The statistics speak volumes about their consistency and resilience through time! - 主場勝率驚人:/ b/ span>(17) 【主場】(34) 本賽季至今【得分】【獲得】 總計已贏取總數達15 场赛事!.